“Let them sleep, for when they wake they will move mountains.” — unknown


Are you tired of being tired? Whether your baby needs to be rocked to sleep and wakes up multiple times a night or you have regular bedtime battles with your toddler, you are in the right place.


Why Hire a Sleep Coach?

I understand the exhaustion a parent can feel when their child isn’t sleeping and the strain it places on a family

Healthy sleep habits make for happy, healthy children. Sleep is vital for proper growth and development. Well rested children are better able to learn and have less behavior problems.

No two children are the same therefore there is no cookie-cutter program that you can find in a book that will work for all children.

You have your own unique parenting style. You know your child best and I will work with you to find the right approach for your child.

The foundation of my experience is in psychology and occupational therapy prior to my extensive training in sleep. You will be receiving guidance from a trained sleep professional.

No gimmicks. My approach is based on proven sleep science and evidence based practice.

Follow up support is the key to success! With frequent check ins, I’ll be with you throughout the process to answer questions, problem solve, and modify your plan as needed.

Sleeping through the night is a skill, and children need time and guidance to develop good sleep habits. Establishing a sleep routine doesn’t have to be so hard. With the right practices and strategies, you won’t have to deal with years of sleep deprivation, fatigue, and endless struggles with your child.

Ready to Get Started?

  • Newborn

    Laying the foundation for natural sleep consolidation right from the start.

  • Infant

    Helping baby consolidate night sleep and take longer and consistent naps.

  • Toddler

    Ending bedtime battles–its never too late to develop good sleep habits.